女孩 MERY 的下量量绑maya定配置源文件战视频,做为绑定进建战操做的量量典型,绑定配置去世动。绑定渲染是配置arnold渲染器。详细操做规模,源文请审查页里底部的视频“操做许诺”。本做者为:Meryproject.com
baidu网盘下载:maya2013版本 maya2014版本 maya2015版本
[toggle title=”操做许诺”]LicenceMeryproject.com and all their content is the property of Jose Manuel García Alvarez and Antonio Méndez Lora.
You CAN:
You can use the character for practise and educational purposes.
You can use the character to show your work in your demo reel, portfolio, on your website, etc.
You CAN’T:You can’t use the character rig or any part of it for co妹妹ercial purpose, like short films, movies or any content with financial gain.
顶: 4踩: 39
You can’t use the character rig without giving the appropriate credits for “meryproject.com” in your works. You must put the credits into the video or the description.
You can’t use the character rig to create any pornographic, sexually explicit, violent, racist or otherwise i妹妹oral content.
Meryproject.com won’t be responsible for the content made with the character.
You can’t assign licenses or sublicenses for this character rig or any part of it.
Meryproject.com is allowed to show and publish any work created with the character, including work that has already been published. We may or may not contact you. We will never use this content for financial gain, but only for personal and/or promotional use.[/toggle]
女孩 MERY 的下量量maya绑定配置源文件战视频
人参与 | 时间:2025-01-22 15:48:23
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